Friday 27 June 2014

Extract from volume one of The Ipe Chronicles. 'Kaylie, the Power and the Gauntlet' (Available from 4th July)

Extract from volume one of The Ipe Chronicles. 'Kaylie, the Power and the Gauntlet' (Available from 4th July)
“We’d better get back Kaylie,” Caytor urged. "The heavens are going to open any moment." 
Kaylie turned to face her friend, who hadn’t followed her example by climbing on a rock. His wet blonde hair lay flat against his scalp, whilst he bobbed up and down, treading water. Even though it was gloomy, his infectious blue eyes shone brightly and dazzled her.
“I find electric storms thrilling Caytor,” Kaylie said, just as a clap of thunder exploded with a shattering bang. She paused, whilst the remnants of the sound rolled away into the distance, before catching her breath when yet another flash of lightning lit up the sky. “We’re guests on this planet and we’ve arrived at a time when it’s very angry,” the youngster observed.
A glimpse of the interaction between 2 of the main characters.

This is a preview of the new cover, for the book I plan to release on the 4th of July

Today, Friday 27th June. 2pm, I've just created this blog. Hope I've ticked the right boxes!